Friday, May 14, 2010

Last Blog from the Philippines

The end of the matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride.”
Ecclesiates 7:8

This verse gave me encouragement in my weakness. I began to get discouraged in the community at the end. I began to be tired of no sleep, the heat, and also things were just starting to wear on me. In this time the enemy was trying to get me, trying to discourage me with my weaknesses, but I know that the Lord was fighting for me as I clung to Him for that strength and guidance. This verse spoke to me in that the end is just as important as the beginning and with God I can finish strong.
As Stephanie (my teammate) and I began to talk and reflect on some things in the community, I was amazed how weak I was but the fact that God wanted to use me in my weakness humbled me. I remembered when Jesus chose the disciples he didn’t choose men of high standing. He chose ordinary men, fishermen, tax collectors, and farmers. He chose me, even in my weakness to bring the good news to the people of San Roque. It was a huge blessing, because I was able to experience true joy when a boy of 16 accepted Christ and 5 days later stood with tears in his eyes praising God for me! He began thanking the Lord that we walked miles to come share the good news, when he didn’t even know Jesus or what kind of man He was. He didn’t know he could be saved by a man named Jesus and that God would love me so much to sacrifice his own son. This 16 year old boy is now changed not b/c of me but b/c with obedience I followed God even in my weakest moment. I give all praise to God for Raymond Daigdigan’s life, the 16 year old boy.

My last week of ministry was the most fruitful week of the whole time in the village. We would walk everyday for about an hour, climbing hills, slipping in the mud, crossing rivers, and bearing the heat of the morning and afternoon sun. This health camp was out in purok 4, even though we had to endure some physical barriers this was my favorite week! When we arrived all the kids were sitting in the sitting shed waiting for us, there was about 28 students. As I saw the kids me heart began to break for them and as the week went on I felt the love for these people. When the camp started we asked “have you ever heard of a man named Jesus?” Their response was “No”. Right then I realized how thankful I was that the Lord directed us to this purok even though it was a hard to reach area we didn’t allow that to stop us, we wanted everyone to hear the good news, no matter the distance! After our first day we were burdened for the people yet filled with excitement to see how many people just wanted to sit and hear us teach. They told us our last day that everyone wanted to come and here the American girls talk and just stare at us.  (We had a lot of moms join the camp, they were doing all the motions to the songs too!) The second day of camp was when we were able to share more in depth about the gospel and this is when God gave me that boost of strength, we had 1 salvation, who was Raymond the 16 year old and two days later 5 more salvations! During our camp we would meet with the children for about an hour and a half, then we would have a bible study with the young people. We had 4 young people and we gave them all bibles, and began telling them many stories and miracles Jesus performed. We taught them where the books of the bible where and they we so excited to receive their own bible b/c not many have one here. As we met with the young people we challenged them to read James, writing down questions or thoughts about reading James. However some didn’t respond but some did, and it was so encouraging to hear their questions and how God opened the door to go deeper with these young people and the moms. As the camp came to an end, we always had a closing ceremony with certificates and awards. (by the way it is a big deal here to get a certificate! You get one for everything!) So we showed up at the purok, the moms had decorated the sitting shed and this was the first time a purok had done this. So we had the closing ceremony and after the kids finished performing, I was able to share the gospel with all the people. I feel confident to say that the seed has been planted in that purok now we just need harvesters! Which leads me to my next exciting thing……..

Mine and Stephanie’s prayer was that when we leave San Rogue the bible study established while we where there would continue even after we leave. In one of our last bible studies there, a young woman named Angel spoke to us and said, “I feel the Lord calling me to continue on with the bible study” first I was so excited to hear this but then she went on saying, “not only our “we” (the believers) going to have the bible study but I want us to go house to house praying for the families. I don’t want us to argue about our beliefs but allow them to see why we are different and how we want to love them as Christ loves us!” Okay by this point I am almost in tears, see when we got there there was no bible study and I only knew of 4 believers and all were new Christians. Like I mentioned in my last blog San Roque is being held captive by the enemy with the Mocadian relgion. However my prayer for San Roque began to be Philippians 2:9-11, that one day every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! That is why I was so encouraged to hear those words from Angel. Even as I write I am so exciting for the village b/c I know that even though the missionaries are gone Jesus Christ’s name is being glorified and the people are given the opportunity to learn more! Which leads me to the next amazing thing God is doing there………..

As we prayed for the community God challenged me to pray for harvesters to come to San Rogue and reap what He had already planted in our time there. Well in time we found out that an American team called Nehemiah teams (which are a group of college students that come in the summers for 2 months, and are also sponsored by IMB) will be going to San Roque!! See our water source in the village was not good (we were sick all the time  ) so the American team will be installing 10 water filters in the community but also leading bible studies and doing evangelism work! They are the harvesters that we prayed for! It was awesome to see how God answered our prayers but also to know that the people of San Roque are going to have a chance to hear more of the man named Jesus and how God loves them unconditionally! Oh I get so excited just writing this, a part of me wishes I could be there to help them grow but I know I may never see the harvest but I just praise God he wanted to use me in the planting.

I have been so blessed to have this opportunity to serve here in the Philippians. God has taught me so much about myself and about what he desires of me. (blog coming soon on that…) but as I close my time here in the Philippians it is sad and I am going to miss so many, however the saying we have is “it’s not good bye, it’s see you later.” I can say that to all my believer friends but not to those who didn’t accept Christ. There is still much work to be done here and all over the World, as I reflect on God’s calling on my life I would like to challenge you with one thing, where does God have you in reaching the nations? In Rev 7:9 we see that from every nation, tribe, people and language will be standing before the throne, so how can you be apart of reaching those people. I encourage you to ask God how you can reach the nations if it’s through prayer, sending, going, mobilizing or welcoming. We are all called to reach the lost, it’s His calling on our lives! Please allow Him to guide you.

The last thing I want to say is I have really enjoyed writing this blog, it has allowed me to keep a record of God’s work but also just write out my thoughts and praises, along with struggles. Thank you for taking the time to read this and pray for me and the people here. Even though I couldn’t hear you prayers or hear your voice encouraging me, the Lord sent many things along my way to bring that encouragement and by you praying I am so thankful for that! I am glad you could experience and embrace this journey with me b/c you are just as much apart of the peoples lives touched here as I am. So thank you again for reaching these least of these and sending me to be Jesus’ hands and feet!

So let’s continue to EMBRACE THIS JOURNEY b/c a new journey has just begun!