Thursday, February 11, 2010

1 month into the Journey

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me----the task of testifying to the Gospel of God’s grace.
Acts 20:24

This verse has been our memory verse for the week. I am worth nothing if I don’t complete the task God has put me on this earth for. But it is not focusing on the word “do” but to finish the task by testifying the Gospel with love and sacrifice. I know at times we get caught up in our everyday lives but the other day I was sitting in a coffee shop talking with a man about the Gospel and asking him questions about God and I thought why do I not do this at home. Well I ask myself, am afraid of what people would think about me and/or maybe I don’t want to offend someone. But if I memorize this verse that was given to me can I really do what it is asking of me? Can we as believers hold each other accountable for testifying and finishing the race?

I have been challenged with many things already in this first month of being away from comfort and everything I have ever known. Just to name a few: God has challenged me to Embrace this journey but also to really TRUST Him! At first I was a little disappointed that for the first month all I would be doing was language school. (But again very important!) I really believe that this first month has been given to me to truly devote more time to the Lord to learn more about His heart for me and for the nations. He has set my heart towards 1 Cor 13, that if I don’t love than I am nothing! Francis Chan challenges his readers in Crazy love to replace love with your name in verses 4-8. I know that I can never do all those things or always keep that attitude but it is def something to strive for! I want to love these people as Christ does, as he has loved me through all the mess ups in my life, through all the doubts that I have had. My prayer is that I would grow closer to Him than ever before that during this time He would become everything I need and desire and that my desires, my deepest passions, and my dreams would be in direct line of what He wants. If you have a chance read Wide Awake ☺

The Journey:
Well it has been a great first month. My team and I have come across some obstacles but God once again has been faithful. We are still in language school and each week I think I lose the country accent and pick up a Filipino one. Ha ha although I may never lose it because when I say my name is Whitney, there is just something about that name that sounds country like trying to say “ako si Whitney” However I can always make the Filipinos laugh when I am practicing my Cebuano. And I do wish I paid more attention in Spanish class in high school it would have really helped ☺ On the weekends we travel to the mountains, this past weekend we actually got to work in the clinics. It was great, at first the language barrier was tough because we are speaking to them in Cebuano but after the first couple of patients I got the hang of it. I was able to do a minor surgery which was very neat! However I was a bit timid at first but I was praying for strength and asking for my hands to be steady, for the patient’s sake. We are learning a lot about different diseases here so that when we go to the communities we can recognize the symptoms and help treat it as best we can. So along with language studies, we are doing a lot of research. While we are in the city, we like to go out in the afternoons to talk with the people and practice the language.
Cool story: The other morning I was asking the Lord to bring someone into my life that I can share the creation story with. So that day me and Stephanie went out and we ended up talking to a guy for around 2 hours. At first I was not confident with sharing….why because I didn’t know how to start it off but I could just here Jesus saying “Oh you of little faith” I begin praying while having small talk and that is when the conversation opened up and began to get deeper. He never fully committed to following Christ but I believe and trust that the seed was planted and now it is in the hands of the Holy Spirit. I give complete praise and honor to God!
We are finally starting to meet more Filipinos and make friends which is helping while in language school. At night for a pastime we play a game called 1,2,3, pass…it’s a lot like spoons but when you lose you get powder put all over your face! We played last night and I never got any….all the people were out to get me.

So the Filipino’s found that I like to sing so everywhere we go now I am asked to lead them in a worship song. They know a lot of English worship songs, some that are popular are Empty Me, Here I am to Worship, and Light of the World. So we were at church a couple of weekend ago and I started thinking if I could learn how to play here I could play along with the singing at anytime. So God provided the way and the money to buy one here. I got to work on my bargaining skills and got it for a great price! I want to leave it here when I leave so I have been in prayer about who I want to give it to. They love music here so I am hoping I can reach more by using this gift.

Some prayer requests:
-That God would continue to give us boldness as we go out and share.
- Also I have been having a hard time with the loss of my dad, being here without family has been tough but I am depending on Christ to be the ultimate comfort and strength. One thing that happen the other day is I was praying asking God to give me a sign of peace and I was sitting there looking into the sky and a white bird (looked like a dove) was flying in the sky. It reminded me of the funeral but it conformed he is at peace. Also I was talking to Ashley the other day about what God was showing me and a dragonfly sat with me the whole time! I am so thankful our God can show us He cares in so many ways!
-Language school and that we can focus on it.
-My family back at home as some hard days with birthdays and holidays are coming up to be without dad.
- For the Filipino’s we have already encountered and their hearts.

Thank you for all your support, the encouragement I have gotten has helped me in so many ways and I am very thankful for you! I pray that in some way this has encouraged you to love others and step out of your comfort zone. Ask the Lord to being someone in your path today! I love you all and sorry its so long, it could probably be longer ☺

In His Embrace,

1 comment:

  1. Sweet sister,

    Thank you for putting ink to all the beautiful ways God is working through you ... and in you. You are a beautiful testimony of faith, obedience and humility. I'm so proud of you.

    Blessings to you and here's an extra tight hug from (snowy) Cleveland! :)

    I love you,
    Rhonda Weeks
