Friday, February 26, 2010

We have completed language school! I am fluent in Cebuano......ha ha just kidding. I wish we could spend more time learning the language b/c there is a lot to it but only being here four months is not enough time to really grasp such a unique language. I have gotten down short sayings and also I can understand when they speak to me it just takes me awhile to respond back in a full cebuano sentence. I have loved my time getting to know my language teacher and her family. They truly love the Lord and to see thier hearts was such an encouragement to me. I now consider my teacher to always be my Filipino mother! After this sunday we will move from our school and our travels and ministries continue to new and unreached places.

God has really been showing me a lot this week, I realize when I slow down from that busy life style and truly listen for him I can hear his soft voice. He has been breaking my heart in one specific way, and I am asking myself "do I lose sleep at night for the lost? Does my heart break so much that I cry for those who don't have that Joy and Hope that God has so graciously given me?" I know those are hard questions to ask but I don't lose sleep and I don't cry, I also know that is a hard prayer to pray but I want to totally live my life for Christ. Even as I say this to you, I really wonder what if I did this, how would I be a different person. Its an easy thing to say here b/c I may not see these people here again (of course I hope to rejoice with them in heaven) but in my home town can I be the same wittness that I am here? I want to be held accountable to make a difference in Cleveland, Tn the bible belt. For me when I get home I want to give my all to Ocoee outreach to North Cleveland youth, to my community and to my family. With whatever ministry God has you in are you giving you your all? I am praying for you and if your not in some kind of ministry, that He would open the doors to your heart and show you how you can be used.

This past weekend we went back to M.J Santos to work in the Clinic. However we were not able to work on saturday and I was a little upset we couldn't but I needed to "leave room for that interruption!" So on the way there we met a woman who lived in Tungao, which is the next town from us, so we ended up catching a jeepney and wondered around that town talking with people sharing why we were here and hopeing to share how to have a personal relationship with Jesus. We ended up going to fellowship with the woman whose husband is a pastor and their family, we met with the youth of the church and just talked. We really enjoyed the day and to top it off at the end I was able to play "sand" volleyabll with the village people. It was so much fun! They love it, we were suppose to be playing 4 on 4 but they kept telling me to pass and that someone would set it and for me to spike it.....They loved seeing a white girl jump! But I will have you know I didn't go easy on those guys on the other side of the net, oh yeah I spiked it!! Haha It was a great time to fellowship and enjoy time with our new friends. On Sunday we worshiped with the church in M.J Santos which was nice b/c usually we are gone to churches in other villages helping with the services. This Sunday we will visit a church here in the City and stay with a host family in town. So that leads me to some prayer request, along with what is going on this week......
On Monday we start working at the Priventail hospital here in the City. This is a government run hosptial. I have been assign to the ER for the first 2 days, then the ICU for the next, and Friday to the Surgery unit. I am very excited. I would ask that you would pray that the Lord would give us many opportunities to share with the people and that we would have the discernment to feel the Holy Spirit guiding us. Also for protection of our health, and just that we would feel the Holy Spirit at all times! So that is what we are doing for the first week of march.

I wanted to add a more personal note and some prayer requests for my family. During the next few months there is some hard days coming up that will be the first time to spend without dad. So I ask that on Feb 27, March 12, March 24, Easter, and the begining of May you say a little extra pray for my family. For me here I have had those days were all I want to do is cry and the reality and pain of losing him hits me again. I know that he is at peace and not suffering any more and I am so glad but at times selffihsly I want him here with me. I miss him a lot and at times I wonder why I am here going through this by myself....but I know that I am not, that I have the best comfort from the Lord. I believe he is teaching me to trust Him more that instead of going to others for comfort to go directly to Him, and sometimes I don't. But I ask that you continue to pray for me and my family as we heal from this pain and that we would have the opportunity to share our story to bring God the Glory.

I want to say that during the next few months of this trip I am not sure how much I can get on the internet. We will be living in the Communities which doesn't usually have electricity. But Please know that I will update when I can and it has been a huge encouragement to know that you have been praying for me. Also, just to say I love writing these blogs! Again I hope that they can encourage you and I ask that you continue to still leave room for interruption and ask the Lord to put someone in your path today that you can share His Truth with!

Thank you again for your support and prayers! I hope to write after the hospital but if not know that I will update as soon as I can!
Love to you all,

In His Embrace,


  1. continuing to pray for you! I am so proud of you! I know God is using you greatly! I was looking through our Africa pictures the other day- I will always cherish that trip! much love to you!

  2. Whit, it was really challenging for me when you asked if we cry out and lose sleep over the lost. I want to have that kind of compassion for God's people. I am praying for you as you work in the hospital, i Know that God will use you to touch many people. You have such a caring spirit and I admire you so much. I know that it has been hard without dad, I am praying that God gives you comfort and just reminds you of how happy dad is and that we WILL see him again. I love you and love to read your blogs!
